Fuel your fitness one muscle at a time

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve health and increase longevity. The benefits of physical activity are vast and include cardiovascular health, bone and muscle strength,  improved mood, and even reducing the risk of disease.  Healthy muscles are your best allies when it comes to exercise. Balancing [...]

Turn things around with testosterone

Everywhere we look, we’re exposed to scenes of Hollywood superstars in peak athletic form—jumping out of helicopters, fighting supervillains, and running away from danger. These men seemingly defy physical age norms, with washboard abs at 50, and pythons for arms at 67. So what's the secret? Besides the usual movie [...]

Meet Jamie Junker – Endurance Athlete

Meet Jamie Junker, CanPrev Ambassador, Alberta native, and Mountain Endurance Athlete. Jamie is a rock climber, alpine climber, free solo climber, and mountaineer. The CanPrev Team thinks he's more of a monkey, but you can decide for yourself. Conquering the Canadian Rockies Jamie discovering mountain running was like finding buried [...]

2019-08-29T15:09:16+00:00December 11th, 2018|Active Life, CanPrev, Fitness, Lifestyle, Motivation|0 Comments

Meet Mia Noblet – Professional Slackliner

Meet Mia Noblet, CanPrev ambassador, Vancouver native and women's world record slackline holder! The CanPrev team was fairly new to the sport of slacklining before taking on Mia as an ambassador and we were curious to know more about the sport once she decided to come aboard. So what's slacklining all about anyway? In short, it is [...]

2019-12-16T23:08:12+00:00May 29th, 2018|Active Life, All, Fitness, Lifestyle, Motivation, Workouts|0 Comments

Natural Health Practitioners: Are You Taking Charge of Your Own Health?

Thomas Edison once said: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the maintenance of the human frame, in diet, and in the prevention of disease.” Connecting with a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) as part of your health-care team is a great way to incorporate a [...]

2019-12-16T23:38:47+00:00April 17th, 2018|All, CanPrev, Expert Advice, Health, Lifestyle, Motivation|0 Comments

Meet Joseph Cheung – Your Health Is Your Wealth

Here at CanPrev, we are all about our community. Because without a platform to connect with individuals – we cannot learn, grow, educate, motivate or inspire. That’s where our ambassadors come in. These individuals are dedicated to living life to the fullest! They are continually learning and growing, sharing their [...]

Meet Mike Levine – Do What You Love

Here at CanPrev, we are all about our community. Because without a platform to connect with individuals - we cannot learn, grow, educate, motivate or inspire. That's where our ambassadors come in. These individuals are dedicated to living life to the fullest! They are continually learning and growing, sharing their [...]

Meet Making Lemonade – Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Online Wellness Entrepreneur

We all have physical, emotional and mental challenges to overcome. To do this, we find the courage and brave the journey against these obstacles, in search for optimal health and preventing dis-ease. 'Taking charge of your own health' and 'you can prevent'- mantras that have sustained us, as well as [...]

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