Muscle matters. The benefits of lean muscle mass for lifelong health

Ever marveled at how effortlessly you tackle everyday tasks, from lugging groceries to chasing after the kids or dominating in a friendly game of backyard basketball? That's the magic of lean muscles at work. It's not just about looking like a superhero; it's about feeling like one in the real-world [...]

Move to the beat of a healthy heart

Your heart isn’t only responsible for the beat in your chest, it's also the rockstar behind every breath you take. Our steady companion beats over 100,000 times per day, guiding thousands of gallons of blood to every corner of our bodies. This constant flow acts like a nurturing stream, carrying [...]

Fuel your fitness one muscle at a time

Regular exercise is one of the best ways to improve health and increase longevity. The benefits of physical activity are vast and include cardiovascular health, bone and muscle strength,  improved mood, and even reducing the risk of disease.  Healthy muscles are your best allies when it comes to exercise. Balancing [...]

Everything you need to know about zinc

Maintaining good health is often boiled down to eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and staying hydrated. But where does zinc fit in? Zinc is an essential nutrient - this means that the human body does not produce it, but it's vital to our overall health. This mighty trace [...]

A deep dive into CanPrev’s probiotics

We have trillions of bacteria living inside us. While some are good, others can cause harm. And when they live in harmonious balance, you are less likely to experience digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or stomach pains.  While probiotics help you colonize more beneficial bacteria to balance out [...]

2023-04-04T14:47:23+00:00August 2nd, 2022|CanPrev, Gut Health, Supplements|4 Comments

Get to know CanPrev’s Powder System

Everyone is unique—whether it be in personal interests like music, film, or hobbies, or individual nutritional needs. Every individual’s nutritional needs are impacted by both internal and external factors, including but not limited to our diets, genetics, activity levels, lifestyles, pre-existing conditions, and even our environment. Take athletes for example. [...]

2023-10-06T20:51:30+00:00July 15th, 2022|CanPrev, Health goals, Supplements|0 Comments

Beyond the hype: Is a plant-based diet right for you?

Vegan diets have seen a rapid surge in popularity, due to the purported health benefits, environmental implications, and a wave of documentaries encouraging an animal-free approach to food. While vegetarian diets eschew meat products, veganism removes all animal by-products from the equation, including milk, eggs, and honey. With the elimination [...]

2021-10-06T14:20:28+00:00September 15th, 2021|CanPrev, Diet, Lifestyle, Minerals, Nutrition, Supplements, Vitamins, Whole foods|2 Comments

Quercetin: Moving beyond immune support

For centuries, plants have been used for their therapeutic properties. Quercetin is one of many powerful plant-based bioflavonoids known for immune support, but its benefits extend far beyond that. What is quercetin? Quercetin is a flavonol, one of six subclasses of plant pigments called flavonoids which give many fruits, vegetables [...]

2021-05-20T16:53:34+00:00May 14th, 2021|Aging, Allergies, CanPrev, Health, Heart Health, Mind & Memory|0 Comments

CanPrev’s Immune Care Kit

  We sent our employees to work from home. This Immune Care Kit went home with them. Like many Canadians, most of our team has switched to working from home. As a company, we feel that staying home whenever possible to stop the spread of COVID-19 is the most sensible [...]

2020-04-08T18:33:39+00:00March 18th, 2020|CanPrev, Supplements|2 Comments

CanPrev acquires Innovite Health

Keeping it Canadian - CanPrev acquires natural health pioneer, Innovite Health Wednesday, December 12, 2018, 8:00pm EST TORONTO, Ontario - CanPrev Natural Health Products Ltd. is excited to announce today that it has agreed to acquire the Innovite Health brand, an iconic Canadian manufacturer of natural health products. CanPrev’s acquisition [...]

2019-02-17T01:04:57+00:00December 13th, 2018|All, CanPrev|1 Comment

Meet Jamie Junker – Endurance Athlete

Meet Jamie Junker, CanPrev Ambassador, Alberta native, and Mountain Endurance Athlete. Jamie is a rock climber, alpine climber, free solo climber, and mountaineer. The CanPrev Team thinks he's more of a monkey, but you can decide for yourself. Conquering the Canadian Rockies Jamie discovering mountain running was like finding buried [...]

2019-08-29T15:09:16+00:00December 11th, 2018|Active Life, CanPrev, Fitness, Lifestyle, Motivation|0 Comments

Cholesterol and women’s heart health: What you need to know

As a woman, are you committed to living a heart-healthy lifestyle? While we might think of older men when we hear “heart problems”, research tells us it’s time for women to look after their hearts, too. According to the Heart Research Institute, heart disease is the number one cause of [...]

6 Essential Nutrients For The Athlete

Optimizing nutrition when you’re an athlete (or even if you workout regularly) can make a significant difference in your health and performance on the court, field or at the gym. Just like exercising your muscles through cardiovascular workouts or strength training is important, so is fueling your body properly through [...]

Natural Health Practitioners: Are You Taking Charge of Your Own Health?

Thomas Edison once said: “The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest patients in the maintenance of the human frame, in diet, and in the prevention of disease.” Connecting with a Naturopathic Doctor (ND) as part of your health-care team is a great way to incorporate a [...]

2019-12-16T23:38:47+00:00April 17th, 2018|All, CanPrev, Expert Advice, Health, Lifestyle, Motivation|0 Comments

ND Perspective: Allergy and Sensitivity Testing

The development of allergies is becoming more and more common. The same goes for sensitivities to foods, chemicals and environmental factors. Our immune system and cellular tissue can become compromised due to inflammatory responses from the mechanisms of each reaction - especially through responses from sensitivities. Here's a little more [...]

Nutrient Deficiencies: Why Nearly Everyone Has Them

Health Canada advises, along with many nutrition professionals, “that a healthy and balanced diet can provide most people with the nutrients essential for good health.” [1] Does that mean that if we eat a “healthy and balanced diet”, that we’ll be meeting all the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) and we’ll [...]

2019-12-16T23:28:30+00:00March 15th, 2018|Active Life, Aging, All, CanPrev, Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Supplements|0 Comments

CanPrev acquires Cyto-Matrix

The principals and employees of CanPrev and Cyto-Matrix are thrilled to announce the creation of a genuine, homegrown, all-Canadian natural health products champion that professionals can confidently trust. The combined expertise of these two leading companies will serve to enhance the product range and value-added services to professionals. Cyto-Matrix Inc. [...]

2020-05-14T18:22:17+00:00January 22nd, 2018|All, CanPrev|0 Comments

Meet Joseph Cheung – Your Health Is Your Wealth

Here at CanPrev, we are all about our community. Because without a platform to connect with individuals – we cannot learn, grow, educate, motivate or inspire. That’s where our ambassadors come in. These individuals are dedicated to living life to the fullest! They are continually learning and growing, sharing their [...]

Magnesium, Enzymes and Cellular Energy

There is a host of scientific studies linking magnesium to many different health conditions, but reviewing these effects one by one is overwhelming and confusing. Instead, it’s more helpful to look at magnesium’s underlying physiological mechanisms. Understanding what magnesium does fundamentally will let us better understand how insufficient magnesium levels [...]

2020-01-06T17:01:29+00:00November 17th, 2017|CanPrev, Health, Nutrition, Supplements|0 Comments

Magnesium and Cardiovascular Conditions

Blood clotting (intravascular thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes) Clotting is a normal response to blood vessel damage. When a blood vessel wall is damaged, tiny blood cells called platelets activate. These platelets adhere to a damaged surface and release sealing agents like fibrin. Magnesium regulates the activation of these platelets [...]

2020-01-06T16:47:51+00:00November 2nd, 2017|Aging, CanPrev, Health, Heart Health, Supplements|1 Comment

Meet Mike Levine – Do What You Love

Here at CanPrev, we are all about our community. Because without a platform to connect with individuals - we cannot learn, grow, educate, motivate or inspire. That's where our ambassadors come in. These individuals are dedicated to living life to the fullest! They are continually learning and growing, sharing their [...]

Meet Jessie Lam – Corporate Junkie Turns Fitness Guru

Corporate Junkie Turns Fitness Guru In this second part of our "CanPrev Ambassador" series, we introduce to you a Toronto native. Someone who truly knows the meaning of transformation and taking risks. Many Hats Meet Jessie Lam - Personal Trainer, Yoga Teacher, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Thai Yoga Massage Practitioner, and [...]

2020-01-03T22:39:03+00:00April 20th, 2017|Active Life, All, CanPrev, Health, Health goals, Lifestyle|0 Comments

Meet Making Lemonade – Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Online Wellness Entrepreneur

We all have physical, emotional and mental challenges to overcome. To do this, we find the courage and brave the journey against these obstacles, in search for optimal health and preventing dis-ease. 'Taking charge of your own health' and 'you can prevent'- mantras that have sustained us, as well as [...]

Jonothon Mainland Joins CanPrev as VP Medical Director

TORONTO, Ontario – February 6, 2017 – Industry veteran and naturopathic doctor Jonothon Mainland joins CanPrev’s executive leadership team as Vice-President Medical Director, a new position at the natural health company. The role will oversee key aspects of CanPrev’s product innovation and education efforts. "In a mission-driven company, people are [...]

2019-08-29T20:36:17+00:00February 13th, 2017|CanPrev|0 Comments

Silver linings: the story of cancer, CanPrev and second chances

CanPrev is known for its quality line of comprehensive natural health products, but what many people don’t know is how and why CanPrev started. I was a 19-year-old business administration student at the University of Toronto’s Scarborough campus when I discovered a hard, pea-sized lump just under the surface of [...]

2019-04-17T14:58:57+00:00October 20th, 2016|CanPrev|Comments Off on Silver linings: the story of cancer, CanPrev and second chances
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