Move to the beat of a healthy heart

Your heart isn’t only responsible for the beat in your chest, it's also the rockstar behind every breath you take. Our steady companion beats over 100,000 times per day, guiding thousands of gallons of blood to every corner of our bodies. This constant flow acts like a nurturing stream, carrying [...]

Meet Making Lemonade – Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Online Wellness Entrepreneur

We all have physical, emotional and mental challenges to overcome. To do this, we find the courage and brave the journey against these obstacles, in search for optimal health and preventing dis-ease. 'Taking charge of your own health' and 'you can prevent'- mantras that have sustained us, as well as [...]

Three easy steps you can take to help save our supplements

The deadline to submit your feedback directly to Health Canada about the recently proposed changes to the Natural Health Products Regulations is Monday, October 24. Please click here to participate in this consultation now! You can use this document as a guide to help you complete the consultation. These changes will have a significant impact on the way natural health products are [...]

2019-08-30T20:01:11+00:00October 17th, 2016|Health Canada|0 Comments

What Health Canada’s proposed natural health products regulations mean for you

What is this all about? Health Canada released a surprising consultation paper in early September that calls for a dramatic overhaul in the way it has been regulating what it calls self-care products, including natural health products (NHPs), cosmetics and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. We say surprising, because the way in [...]

2019-08-30T20:02:10+00:00October 3rd, 2016|Health Canada|0 Comments
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