Move to the beat of a healthy heart

Your heart isn’t only responsible for the beat in your chest, it's also the rockstar behind every breath you take. Our steady companion beats over 100,000 times per day, guiding thousands of gallons of blood to every corner of our bodies. This constant flow acts like a nurturing stream, carrying [...]

Why choose a pescatarian diet?

With rising trends in meat-free diets and the growing diversity of dietary choices, the pescatarian diet has been gaining momentum. This diet prioritizes foods that provide an abundance of health-boosting omega-3 fatty acids and essential vitamins and minerals that all work in harmony to protect your heart, reduce inflammation, assist [...]

Matters of the heart – Understanding heart health

Your heart beats around 2.5 billion times over the average lifespan, pumping blood and transporting oxygen throughout your body. Its responsibilities are far-reaching, so making sure it's in great shape is an essential part of your overall wellbeing. Why is maintaining a healthy heart important? Whether it's your desires or [...]

2022-02-16T19:47:38+00:00February 14th, 2022|Heart Health|0 Comments

Quercetin: Moving beyond immune support

For centuries, plants have been used for their therapeutic properties. Quercetin is one of many powerful plant-based bioflavonoids known for immune support, but its benefits extend far beyond that. What is quercetin? Quercetin is a flavonol, one of six subclasses of plant pigments called flavonoids which give many fruits, vegetables [...]

2021-05-20T16:53:34+00:00May 14th, 2021|Aging, Allergies, CanPrev, Health, Heart Health, Mind & Memory|0 Comments

Cholesterol and women’s heart health: What you need to know

As a woman, are you committed to living a heart-healthy lifestyle? While we might think of older men when we hear “heart problems”, research tells us it’s time for women to look after their hearts, too. According to the Heart Research Institute, heart disease is the number one cause of [...]

Magnesium and Cardiovascular Conditions

Blood clotting (intravascular thrombosis, heart attacks and strokes) Clotting is a normal response to blood vessel damage. When a blood vessel wall is damaged, tiny blood cells called platelets activate. These platelets adhere to a damaged surface and release sealing agents like fibrin. Magnesium regulates the activation of these platelets [...]

2020-01-06T16:47:51+00:00November 2nd, 2017|Aging, CanPrev, Health, Heart Health, Supplements|1 Comment
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